Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Le Medcin

One of the French words we are learning is “medicin,” pronounced, as far as I can tell, “med-sin.”  It means doctor.  It is telling that we are learning this word.  We have been to many medicins this summer.
If there was one thing Sally and I were trying to do it was to take the summer to get really healthy so that we could better take whatever Niger might have for us health wise.  But in God’s humor, we have been a medical wreck all summer.  Here are some of the medical woes and preparations we have encountered:
-            * I got a virus in June and it laid me low for at least three weeks.  A doctor visit resulted in tests for Lymes and a few other things but it was just a virus.
-            * Not a big deal but I had to get new back up glasses.  I went to the eye doctor and she gave me a new prescription.  The prescription ended up being wrong and so I needed new lenses.  Then the lenses popped out and had to be repaired so I ended up going back to the store three times. 
-           * I got shots in both knees for my lack of cartilage.  (Shots 1 & 2)
-            * Sally went to the eye doctor for itchy eyes.
-            * A tick bit Sally and it caused a fever that sent her to the emergency room in Aitkin.  After confirming a tick disease she was on a nasty antibiotic for 3 weeks (she had to stay out of the sun – hey it is summer!)
-            * Elgin got a summer cold that threw him for two weeks.
-           * Elgin went to the podiatrist to get his smashed toenail cut way back.  Looks lovely.
-            * Elgin had a gel inserted into both knees.  Involved Novocain shots first.  (Shots 3, 4, 5, & 6)
-            * Sally and Elgin went to see Doctor Bergman the skin doctor.  He excavated holes on Elgin’s head and on Sally’s cheek.  (Shots 7 & 8)
-            * Sally and Elgin went to the Travel Clinic.  (Shots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 for Sally.  Shots 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 for Elgin.)
-            * Elgin pulled a back muscle.  It was so severe he couldn’t walk.  Doctor had him have a CAT scan to make sure it wasn’t more than a pulled muscle.  It wasn’t but it was and still is pulled.
-            * Sally has yet to see her doctor, her oncologist, and get her mammogram.
-            * We also need to get flu shots before we go.  (Shots 22 and 23)

I know these are not big medical problems but when you are trying to get healthy they don’t help.  We just hope that we have reached the end of the “medicin” visits until April of next year.  We are also very thankful for all the medical care we get here.  As my orthopedic shot giver, who has been all over Africa volunteering his skill, said, don’t let anyone over there touch your knees.  

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